William IRISH -- to -- Charles Lewis JONES
Christopher Kelley JONES -- to -- Keith Andrew JONES
Keith Andrew JONES -- to -- Becky JONIES
Eric JORGENSEN -- to -- Lester KELLER
Kimberly Ellen KELLEY -- to -- Ferdinand KNAACK
Frederick KNAACK -- to -- Alvina KOELHER
Amer KOELHER -- to -- Heather Lee KRUSE
Judith KRUSE -- to -- Gaylord WIlliam LAPLANTE
Jeffery Alan LAPLANTE -- to -- Miranda Rose LITTLEFIELD
Gregory LITTMAN -- to -- Kimberly M. LUTHAUSER
Michael LUTHAUSER -- to -- Norma MAROST
Shirley MARPLE -- to -- John MARVIN (General)
John Yelverton MARVIN -- to -- Harlowe D. MCCAULEY
Helen A. MCCAULEY -- to -- Rachel Elizabeth MCNEIL
Robert Ward MCNEIL -- to -- Kimberly Dawn MOORE
Pamela Ann MOORE -- to -- Nicole Janelle MOSSER
Adam MOTT -- to -- Alvin Eugene O'DELL
Brigetta O'DELL -- to -- Tait Weston OVERGARD
Yola Gwen OVERGARD -- to -- Carol "Squeen" PASQUINNI
Delores Rosalie PATTERSON -- to -- Timothy PLANT
Epenetus PLATT (Jr) -- to -- Wayne RADABAUGH
Barbara Ann RANDOLPH -- to -- Moses RAYMOND
Nathaniel RAYMOND -- to -- Sharon June REMPFER
UP (Abigail - Lydia ZWICKAU )
BACK (Luella Louise DENKE - William IRISH )
NEXT (William RENKE - Lydia ZWICKAU )