This is definitely a work in process and not as yet my highest priority, but my intention is to place here a good summary of the history of the region, Silesia, where my great-grandfather and many other Denkes were born.
I will start with a few photos:
This is an old streetscene of the marketplace in Oels, Silesia.
This is a photo taken in 1938 of the north-west corner of the Ring in Breslau featuring a medieval house called "Kaeseboehm". The Ring is the main place in Breslau with the famous gothic townhall. Breslau is now called Wroclaw, Poland. I have been plotting places on my Polish map whenever I find a Denke, and have found that most Denkes come from within a circle with a 70km radius with its center at Breslau.
More to come soon...